Author: Janete Gonçalves

Video: PivotBuoy Floating Wind Project

PivotBuoy is a disruptive floating offshore solution designed by X1Wind. Check the video to learn how the technology works. The pilot project has been developed by consortium led by X1…

Pivotbuoy and X1Wind floating platform under construction

The offshore wind floating platform PivotBuoy is already under construction and about to be installed this fall in the Canary Islands. In March, the PivotBuoy mooring system and floating platform…

1,400 GW of offshore wind by 2050

OREAC – Ocean Renewable Energy Action Coalition announced its vision for 1,400 GW of offshore wind by 2050 to drive decarbonisation and green recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. Later this…

Coronavirus Global Response Effort

To fight #coronavirus the world urgently needs effective and safe diagnostics, treatments and vaccines. The EU is organising a #GlobalResponse pledging effort to finance life-saving solutions. Join the marathon and spread…

PivotBuoy Project Detailed Design Unveiled

The PivotBuoy project Detailed Design review (DDR) meeting was held at X1 Wind offices in Barcelona on the 4th and 5th of March 2020, and the design of the PivotBuoy…

3rd Clustering Meeting on H2020 Wind Energy Projects

PivotBuoy project attended the 3rd Clustering Meeting on H2020 Wind Energy Project coordinated and hosted by INEA. The meeting took place on the 10th of September of 2019 in Brussels, Belgium. The…

PivotBuoy project Preliminary Design Review milestone completed

The PivotBuoy project preliminary design review (PDR) meeting was held at X1 Wind offices in Barcelona on the 17th and 18th of July, 2019. The meeting brought together 16 experts…

PivotBuoy Kick-off meeting and project website launch

The PivotBuoy project is pleased to announce the launch of its website (, and inform about its kick-off meeting that took place on the 15th and 16th of May 2019…

PivotBuoy project receives €4m to unlock cost competitive floating wind

Barcelona, Spain – 28 March 2019 PivotBuoy®, X1 Wind’s novel, single point mooring system that could significantly reduce the cost of floating offshore wind, to receive €4m of EU Commission Horizon 2020…