Photo Credit: X1 WIND

List of ACTIVITIES (WP – Work Packages)
WP 1 – Project Management
Project management and Project Risk Management to assure the activities are conducted as planned.
WP 2 – PivotBuoy Subsystems Design
Specifications and subsystems design, including initial requirements definition and detailed design along the project.
WP 3 – Subsystems Manufacturing, Assembly and Acceptance Testing
Manufacturing of the PivotBuoy module, factory acceptance testing of the key components, transport, assembly and site acceptance testing prior to deployment at PLOCAN.
WP 4 – Installation, Testing & Monitoring in Relevant Environment
System installation and testing of the PivotBuoy system at PLOCAN to validate its performance in a relevant environment over the full range of load conditions, but also to validate the installation and O&M strategies in a real environment.
WP 5 – Numerical Modelling & Performance Assessment
Performance assessment and improvement using different numerical models for cross-validation. This cross-cutting activity starts with the system design (WP2) but will also analyze data from WP4 to assess the system’s performance and calibrate models.
WP 6 – Risk Assessment including Reliability, Environment, Health & Safety
Risk assessment including technical risks, health & safety and environmental risks. This cross cutting activity will interact with WPs 2-4, by assessing the system reliability and risks, and will conclude with recommendations for future floating offshore wind farms.
WP 7 – LCOE Assessment, Socio-Economic Impact & Exploitation Plan
LCOE assessment, socio-economic impact assessment and exploitation plan. This activity will assess the costs of the technology and integrate both performance and reliability metrics to ensure that the overall LCOE is minimized.
WP 8 – Communication & Dissemination of Results
Communication and dissemination of the results, conclusions and metrics obtained in the project.